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The Mind of A Therapist

May 12, 2021

Natalie is a certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) who helps individuals with fatigue, digestive symptoms, and hormone imbalances to experience more confidence in their body and vibrant energy. Her journey started with soothing the aftermath of childhood trauma which manifested as eczema, PTSD, anxiety, depression, and gastrointestinal disorders. Natalie began learning more about gut health and the benefit of nutritional therapy to improve mood and energy. She has lived the connection between gut health, physiological health and psychological wellbeing by changing her nutrition and reversing food intolerances. Research supports Natalie’s experience and she has discovered she is not alone in it. Natalie is a graceful guide to others who need nutritional support in this stressful life to become more resilient.

Meat Stock VS Bone Broth Recipe

Study - Gut Microbiota-Targeted Diets Modulate Human Immune Status